Purpose of the Research
The purpose of this study is to determine key factors in the success of an online professional learning
community, and what factors allow
members to grow in identity and knowledge in relation to Computer Science Education. The investigators seek to
better understand teachers’ identities in Computer Science Education, as well as what factors cause growth
said identity. In addition, investigators seek to understand the key aspects of an online professional learning
community that allow one to succeed in place of an in-person professional learning community. As a user of
ConneCTION, you have the option to participate or not participate in this research.
Participation in this study includes completing 3 surveys throughout the course of a year regarding identity,
content knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge, and opinions of the online professional learning community. This will continue for 3 years. In
certain personal data will be gathered, such as: geo-location, school name, grade levels taught, subject taught,
comments and posts written on ConneCTION. This data will be collected passively as you interact with conneCTION,
well as at account creation. Users who choose not to participate in research are freely encouraged to use the
and all data will be discarded by the researchers.
By signing this informed consent, you are stating that your
aforementioned personal data and survey responses can be used in this research.
Risks and/or Discomforts
There are no known risks or
discomforts associated with this research.
There are no direct benefits for
participants. However, participants would contribute to the improvement of computer science education for
To participate in this research, you
must be an in-service or retired K-12 teacher.
This study is collecting data from you. We would like to make your
available for other research studies that may be done in the future. The research may be about similar study aims
topics. However, research could also be about unrelated topics, or other types of research. These studies may be
done by researchers at this institution or other institutions, including commercial entities. Our goal is to make
more research possible. Your name and identifying information will be removed from any data you provide before
are shared with other researchers. Researchers that receive your information cannot easily link your identifying
information to the data.
Reasonable steps will be taken protect the privacy and confidentiality
of your study data; however, in some circumstances we cannot guarantee absolute privacy and/or confidentiality.
Research records will be stored electronically through University of Nebraska – Lincoln approved methods.
Records will only be seen by the research team and/or those authorized to view, access, or use the records during
and after the study is complete.
Any information obtained during this study, which could identify you,
will be kept confidential. The data will be stored electronically on UNL servers behind the firewall and will be
password protected to protect your privacy. Prior to any publication, all identifying information will be
Participants will be entered into $50
raffles at the completion of each survey, with drawings being done per 20 responses. These $50 will be given as an
Amazon gift card. The odds of receiving a gift card are 5%.
Opportunity to Ask Questions
You may ask any
questions concerning this research and have those questions answered before agreeing to participate or during the
research period. You may contact the principal investigator or secondary investigator shown below.
If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research subject
that have not been answered by the investigator, or to report any concerns about this study, you may contact the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institutional Review Board, telephone (402) 472-6965.
Freedom to Withdraw
Participation is voluntary. You are free to decide not to allow us to use your data in the research or to
withdraw at any time without adversely
affecting your relationship with the investigators, or the university. Your decision will not result in any loss
benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You are voluntarily making a decision whether or not to participate
this study. Note that if you wish to withdraw, you must do so before data records are de-identified at the end of
the study.
Do you agree to use of your survey and aforementioned personal data in research?
The University of Nebraska Lincoln wants to know about your research
experience. This 14 question, multiple-choice survey is anonymous. This survey should be completed after your
participation in this research Please complete this optional online survey at: http://bit.ly/UNLresearchfeedback